We've Got Our Own Olympics, Man.

You wanna know something that completely sends me over the edge? People who, via bumper sticker, t-shirt, or diarrhea of the mouth, spew things like "Well, I know teachers don't get paid much, but you do get three months off" or "Those who can't do, teach."  As if teaching is a second-class job. I kinda want to punch these people in the face, but alas, I find some semblance of restraint.

We are fast approaching the 2014 Winter Games.  Granted, I am not into short track speed skating, and as much as I'd love to try it, I've never been on a luge.  I don't curl (unless you're talking hair) and I've never been in any competitive skiing.  But-let's get one thing straight.  I challenge any one of those Olympic athletes to engage a group of hormonal middle schoolers in discussions about the Renaissance, or take a boisterous group of 6 year olds and teach them to read.  Game on, Baby!

Small part of a giant list of cross-curricular lessons
Speaking of games, there are many teachers who are fine-tuning plans to build lessons around the Sochi-based Winter Olympics. What a great way to tie real-world to myriad academic lessons.  We have teachers at Rock Valley who are doing just that.  I was asked to help locate resources for them. I did locate several web-based sites for lessons and interactives I think you might enjoy, as well.

Olympic Lessons

Huge list of Olympic interactives, infographics, news resources, and more >>>

My favorite Ancient Olympic site (from the British Museum)

The British Museum site (see left) is just stellar. There are no other words for it.  Actually, all of their links are phenomenal.  I wrote about the British Museum ancient history sites in this issue of FreeTech4Teachers a while back.  In that issue, I also included access to my corresponding webquests.  Feel free to tap into that resource as well.  (Since I'm in a sharing mood and all).

So, I'm not headed for a Wheaties box, Subway endorsement, or Got Milk ad.  (Although, hey, what a great idea! Let's get teachers doing this!) However, I am headed for another day filled with helping the next generation learn the skills needed to rock the world for the better.  I've got my medal, in the form of a smiling child who "gets it".  It's all the gold I need.


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